Thursday 29 January 2009

Bar bar blacksheep do you want fries with mcdonalds kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut

Whether you have finished worrying about the credit crunch or are still in the early stages of shock, one things that is going to be obvious is that a bit more cash will always be welcome.

I don't know about you, but in my area one thing is still popular, that is the local pub. Most pubs now also offer food, so my next tip focuses on the popular evening jobs of bar work and waitressing. These are not easy options, a busy pub will keep you run of your feet. Finding work here it is down to pure graft, but it is an area where you can find work "fairly" easily just by putting your face about. There is nothing to beat a pub crawl and that's exactly what I recommend. Visit the pubs in your area, ask them if they need any occasional help to start with, Make your self available at short notice to cover sickness, be flexible about your hours and you will get work.

Try and negotiate your pay before you actually have to work. It's easier to do this than argue after. Be firm! At the end of the day you are helping them out ;-)

If you want to try and make this a more long term approach, try some of the agencies. My daughter was quite successful in the summer with Blue Arrow mainly weddings in the summer and parties at Christmas, but also short term cover at chain restaurants. The pay is not brilliant and the hours can be long, but remember when your working you aren't spending money. Plus long hours means more pay.

Lastly, check out the many and varied local restaurants. I know it's passe but actually the much maligned Mc Donald's chains offer an opportunity not to be ignored. They tend to be open long hours, so lots of opportunity for part time hours. Like many of the high street brands they have gravitated to the suburbs in shopping malls and entertainment. In reality any restaurant chain offers an opportunity, but you have to ask. I heard a story recently of a friends daughter who knocked on the door of her local pizza express asking for a work, when asked when she could star, she responded "Now?" She got the job and is now the meeter and greater ;-) If you don't ask you won't get!!!!

And finally, what was I on when I wrote that heading? Well when my kids were younger we had a VW seven seater van, now remember this was in the days before it was fashionable to have people carriers. Even in those days my god daughter was a performance artist and spent the whole journey singing that song. Now she is an aspiring actress (she has just won the prestigious Sam Wannamaker Competition and will be appearing at the Globe). I am very proud of her!