Wednesday 4 February 2009

Marketing your wares 3, the art of becoming a big boy

If you remember the founding fabric of this blog is not making money on the internet, but it would be remiss of me to gloss over the potential ways of earning money through that medium. The whole concept of marketing on the internet is very attractive, a billion people to sell to in every country in the world, get it right and you can become a millionaire overnight (ish). The problem is though what to sell.

If you are a regular reader you will see some of the sponsored advertising on this site, promises you a six figure salary for minimum work. How can that be? The answer is internet marketing. What you may ask is internet marketing, the answer you will find, if you can be bothered to read though the grist, is you are marketing the Internet, i.e. telling people how to make money by marketing on the internet. But how do you do that I hear you ask? You sell them an internet marketing kit/solution/website/pamphlet, which tells them how to make money marketing (you guessed it didn't you), kits/solutions/websites/pamphlets to other people. Confused well don't be just accept that there are people out there who think that getting rich by taking money from other people who want to get rich is acceptable. Not me I am afraid. These schemes are making and I am sure will continue to make money for a select few who focus on them (did I say few, well many really) but ultimately it is unsustainable, someone has to be losing money for them to make it.

It's a bit like the stock market, people bought shares in the past to be a part of the company, because they believed in what it was doing and that it would grow, so the value of their shares would grow. Somewhere along the road we lost our way, people started buying shares because the value of the share would rise and rise it did as pundits promised it would. But continued rises are unsustainable, so the market "corrects" itself, for corrects reads drops. When it drops someone loses. For you to make a profit, when no value has been added, someone makes a loss. Now lets see if we can guess who? Is it the brokers (no! they are using your money and taking a commission whether you buy or sell) is it the company whose shares you bought (no! they already have your money, well someones for the original share purchase) is it the people short selling (selling shares they don't own because they will buy them at a lower price as it drops because they are selling so many (no! they are just gambling on the price crashing) is the pension funds investing your pension money (yes! but once again it's you money they are losing they have already taken their cut) is it the investment funds investing your savings (yes, same as pension companies) is it the small shareholder (mostly us).

So, if you want to have a look at this puff and wind marketing here are some examples you can look at.
The rich jerk thought I would start with the cream of the crop, this site taunts you into action, he is so rich (through internet marketing) you would be stupid not to join him. Here's the best bit, when you apply for his totally free web site, he gives you a $100 gas (petrol to us brits) card absolutely free, as long as you take out an American Express gold card. On top of this he will tell you all his secrets for just $9.95. Does it work (well obviously for him but have a read what Frank thinks about it at Not a happy bunny..... but he does suggest a number of other schemes that will make you who is being ripped off?
My next favourite was Carbon Copy Pro who want to make 100 new millionaires, how, selling their fantastic internet marketing product will make you a millionaire for a small investment of $49.95, they even promote themselves on You Tube. Carbon Copy Pro - It's A Scam which is one of their salesman telling you how much money they make (now that's class).
Lastly the fun one, which promises to make you rich and gives you a free copy of the master key 24 lessons of what appears to me to be pure drivel, but it's free!!!