Sunday 8 February 2009

More about snow people

I began to think about the different ways that people react to snow and realised you could categorise them. The list is not exhaustive but these are the ones I have seen this week.

The Adventurer - goes out in the snow to have fun, practices skidding his car doing hand brake turns, goes sledging, takes his kids wake boarding (dragging them along in his four by four).
The Risk Taker - doesn't think snow makes a difference, he can still drive at his normal speed, will over take you because you are not driving fast enough, especially in car parks.
The Stay at Home - doesn't go out in snow in case of slips and falls. If they do go out they won't take the car and go only short distances
The Optimist - Loves the snow and all it brings, spends all day looking at the weather forecast, hoping for more. Has their snow boots ready by the door.
The Pessimist - Hates the snow, expects that they will be snowed in, traffic will grind to a halt, food will run out in shops.
The Worrier - stays at home, because the government advises them to, but worries about not going into work
The Moaners - tut and huff around the supermarket, because people are in their way, gesticulate at you in your rear view mirror when you let people out of side roads
The Public Spirits - clear the snow off their drive, then the next door neighbours, check on older folk, deliver meals in their four by fours, make tea for the people clearing the snow.
The selfish - clear the snow off their drive then go and watch the football
The Bird Lovers - leave stuff out for the birds, watch it get covered by snow, leave some more out, watch it get covered by snow. Fret about the poor birdies. These are normally women, but men often like to see blue tits in the cold ;0)
The Grateful - so glad they invested in a four by four with traction control, despite the cost of petrol and "now you can see why!"
The Ever Child - insists to his kids that they go out and build a snow man then spends hours rolling up snow balls whilst his kids stand by and watch bemused.

You are not limited to one group, you can move between groups and indeed be a member of multiple groups. I live with an Optimist, Bird Lover, Public Spirit.

Back to normal next posting ;-) Enjoy the snow whilst it lasts.